Pension: make sure your income for later is properly arranged

For you and your surviving relatives

You work for a Dutch company in the Rhine and Inland Shipping. That is why you are accruing a Dutch Pension with Pensioenfonds Rijn- en Binnenvaart. This is mandatory. This ensures that your income for later is properly arranged for you and for your surviving dependants in the event of your death.

What provisions are made for you?

Your pension. We refer to this as your retirement pension. This is your income for when you retire. You save this with us for as long as you are employed. When you retire, you will receive a pension payment from our fund.
Pension for your partner and children (if you have any partners or children). We refer to this as the partner’s and orphans’ pension. They receive this pension in the event of your death.
If you are over 35% incapacitated for work, you will simply continue to accrue pension. You will then pay a lower contribution or no contribution at all. You will not receive a disability benefit from us.

What actions do you need to take?

You must provide certain information to the pension fund yourself. Your employer will not do this for you. We need your details so that we can always find you and any family members. You can ask your employer to help you to forward this information to us via Mijn Pensioencijfers (My Pension Figures).

Please register your partner with us. You should do this in Mijn Pensioencijfers (My Pension Figures). Please also upload a copy of your marriage certificate or notarial cohabitation agreement.
If you relocate within the Netherlands, or to or within a foreign country, you must forward your new address to us. You should do this in Mijn Pensioencijfers (My Pension Figures). Please also upload a copy of a valid identity document.
Please send us your e-mail address. You should do this in Mijn Pensioencijfers (My Pension Figures).

Do you have any questions?